First and foremost, we farm.
Since 2003, we've been offering what we grow through Full Bloom Nursery.
We grow and sell plants but we also have a working farm where we raise cattle, ride horses, and bale hay. We love the land and we love raising things. From baby calves to crops of plants, it's all interconnected. In summer you'll find us in the hay fields . "You gotta make hay while the sun is shining" is an old wise saying meaning that you better get to work when the work can be done.
We spend some of our slow time riding and showing horses with the family.
In the winter, you will find us in the greenhouses growing things. In the spring, we will be at the nursery taking care of folks with "Spring Fever" and in the field watching baby calves come into the world. To the hayfield we go in summer, and in the fall we are back to selling plants for the planting season. It's a cycle we love and it keeps us busy. But that's ok, we like busy. It sure beats idle!

Kellie and Tim Bowen
Kellie and Tim Bowen know a thing or two about the outdoors.
•Georgia Certified Plant Professional
• Co-Host of Homegrown Live Gardening Radio Program on WDUN AM 550 & FM 102.9 in Gainesville- Saturday mornings from 10 am to noon
• 25 years experience in horticulture industry with background in landscape design and installation, plant propagation, nursery and garden center management
North Georgia native who grew up on a dairy farm in Clermont, growing crops and caring for livestock.
Construction & grading contractor with a "knack" for building things including greenhouses!
Manager of daily nursery operations and propagation schedules as well as cattle operation and hay production

Julie Bowen Grizzle
Julie is the next generation in the family owned business and plays a vital role in the managing of operations.
As Tim & Kellie slowly step into a "semi-retired" mode, Julie has taken on more responsibility and will carry the business into the future.

Custom(er) Service
We are passionate about helping our customers who become our friends in finding the right mix of plants, trees, shrubs, herbs, vegetables, and more for their home and garden. We advise our customers on the right plant for the right spot. We don't want your tree or shrub to outgrow its' area and cause problems down the road. We want to help you custom build your landscape to be enjoyed year after year.
Grown Local
Hall County Chamber of Commerce- Agribusiness of the Year 2007
Gainesville Rotary- Farm Family of the Year 2011
Readers Choice Awards, Gainesville Times Newspaper- Voted "Best Nursery" in North Georgia 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022!
Our Plant Policy
We are determined to sell quality plants at great prices. We have built a name for our business by word of mouth and would never knowingly sell unhealthy plants. We constantly receive compliments from our customers that our plants out-perform the big box stores because they are well cared for and being locally grown, they are acclimated and go through little shock when planting in local gardens.
However, there are a lot of factors which can cause a plant to die as it is a product of nature. Georgia red clay, late freezes, root nematodes, rodents, digging dogs, voles, improper watering - just to name a few - can cause the demise of a healthy plant. Unfortunately, we can not afford to replace plants. We would rather offer quality plants at lower prices. Large retailers offering a plant guarantee build the rate of returns into the price of their plants and this has been a major factor in the steadily increasing price of plants in the past few years at many stores.
Very few customers ever have a problem with our plants. When we have a crop of 200 identical Azaleas, for example, and only one customer who bought some of that crop
has a problem, we know that something happened to it after it was planted.
We are always available to help you understand what may have gone wrong with your plant, and we recommend you send us an email or drop by as soon as you see a plant looking unhappy. Many times we find the problem is something as simple as too much sun or not enough water and if the problem is remedied quickly, the plant can be saved.
Puppy Policy
We love dogs but ask that you please don't bring yours, with the exception of certified service dogs with medical card. Unfortunately, we've had too many instances where our customers have stepped in the "presents" the visiting dogs have left behind that their owner didn't bother to pick up. Then there was the time that someone's German Shepard attacked our sweet golden retriever Honeybee and had her by the throat. We used to allow dogs but a few inconsiderate folks have forced us to adopt this policy. (Our sweet Honeybee had a stroke and passed away in 2016. She will be dearly missed, she was here with us from the beginning, since 2003).