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Shrubs serve many functions in the landscape. In our Georgia southern gardens, there are many traditional shrubs that are a must-have including Camellia, Hydrangea, Azalea and Viburnum.


Many shrubs provide food for birds and butterflies while those that bloom from spring until fall make a beautiful focal point. Shrubs are the “furniture” of the garden, a necessary element to any good landscape design. Evergreen shrubs (those that don’t lose their leaves in the winter) provide winter interest and they’re not just green anymore. 


Thanks to the breeding efforts of growers all over the world, you can now choose evergreen shrubs with colorful foliage. The "green beach balls" landscaping of the past is being replaced with exciting new varieties that provide color, texture and year-round interest. The photo above is a good example of a more modern design using color and texture for eye appeal.

The shrubs that we stock here at the nursery grow very well in our zone 7 climate. We do not carry plants that aren’t suited for our weather or soil. Some varieties that we carry are seasonal due to market availability. Click on pictures below for descriptions of a sampling of our shrubs.

Abelia grandiflora- Glossy Abelia


            Mardis Gras

​            Rose Creek

​Aucuba japonica- Japanese Aucuba

Azalea- (see Rhododendron)​

​Buddleia davidii- Butterfly Bush​​

            Bi-Color- two tone orange/purple

            Black Knight- deep purple​


            Buzz Purple- dwarf size

            Buzz Sky Blue- dwarf size


            Buzz Velvet- dwarf size


            Honeycomb- yellow

           ​ Pink Delight- true pink

            White Profusion- white with yellow eye

Buxus microphylla- Boxwood

Callicarpa americana- American Beautyberry *

Calycanthus floridus- Sweetshrub or Carolina Allspice *

Camellia japonica- Japanese Camellia (blooms in early spring)

Camellia sasanqua-  (blooms in late fall/winter)

Cephalotaxus harringtonia- Japanese Plum Yew

Chamaecyparis obtusa- Hinoki Falsecypress


Slender Hinoki


Chamaecyparis pisifera- Japanese Falsecypress

Gold Mop

King's Gold Dwarf Gold Mop

Vintage Gold

Chionanthus virginicus- Grancy Gray-beard or White Fringetree *

Chionanthus retusus- Chinese Fringetree

Clethra alnifolia- Summersweet Clethra *

Cleyera japonica- Japanese Cleyera 

Cotinus coggygria- Smoketree or Smokebush

Cotoneaster dammeri- Bearberry Cotoneaster

            Moon Creeper

            Tom Thumb

Cryptomeria japonica- Japanese Cryptomeria

            Black Dragon

           Globosa Nana


            Yoshino- tree form

Eleagnus pungens- Eleagnus

Euonymous compacta- Dwarf Burning Bush

Forsythia x intermedia- Yellow Bells

Fothergilla gardenii- Mt Airy Dwarf Fothergilla *

Gardenia jasminoides- Gardenia 

            August Beauty​


​            Frost Proof

            Radicans or Creeping Gardenia

Hydrangea arborescens- Smooth Hydrangea


Hydrangea macropylla- Bigleaf or Mophead Hydrangea



            Endless Summer

            Nikko Blue

            Penny Mac




Hydrangea paniculata- Panicle Hydrangea

           Bobo- dwarf



           Pinky Winky

           Strawberry Sundae

           Vanilla Strawberry​

Hydrangea quercifolia- Oakleaf Hydrangea *


            Pee Wee

            Snow Queen

Ilex cornuta- Chinese Holly

             Dwarf Burford


Ilex crenata- Japanese Holly



​            Sky Pencil

            Soft Touch

Ilex vomitoria- Yaupon Holly *

            Pendula or Weeping Yaupon

            Schillings or Dwarf Yaupon

Illicium floridanum- Florida Anise *

Illicium parviflorum- Yellow Anise *

Itea virginica- Sweetspire *

            Henry’s Garnet


Juniperus chinensis- Chinese Juniper

           Gold Lace

           Old Gold

           Sea Green

Juniperus conferta- Shore Juniper

            Blue Pacific

Juniperus horizontalis- Creeping Juniper


            Blue Rug

Juniperus procumbens- Dwarf Japanese Garden Juniper


Juniperus virginiana

           Grey Owl

​Ligustrum japonicum- Japanese Ligustrum



            Wax Leaf

Lorapetalum chinense- Chinese Fringe-flower

            Cerise Charm- NEW dwarf size


            Crimson Fire- dwarf size​


            Red Chocolate- NEW vivid red flowers



Nandina domestica- Heavenly Bamboo




            Harbor Belle


        Fragrant Tea Olive

            Goshiki variegated Tea Olive

            Orange Flowering Tea Olive

Pieris japonica- Japanese Pieris



Rhododendron (all Azaleas are now included in the Rhododendron genus). It is critical that the evergreen Rhododendrons be planted in loose soil that drains well. Carving out a hole in wet, sticky clay means death for Rhododendrons! A good technique is to till the area to loosen compacted clay, add organic matter, then leave about 1/3 of the root ball exposed above the existing soil line. Mound up good quality composted bark (like Nature’s Helper) around the root ball, creating a “raised bed” effect. Afternoon shade is a must in the South.

Rhododendron catawbiense- Evergreen Rhododendron hybrids *

            Chionoides- white with yellow center, dwarf to 4 ft.

            English Roseum- rosy pink, 6 ft.

            Nova Zembla- vibrant red, 5 ft.

            Roseum Elegans- lilac, 6 ft.

            Scintillation- lavender pink with gold throat, 6 ft.

            Vulcan’s Flame- bright red, 5 ft.

Rhododendron austrinum, R. canescens, and hybrids- (deciduous Azaleas)- 

Flame Azalea or Wild Azalea *

            Admiral Semmes- fragrant yellow

            Lisa’s Gold- fragrant gold, 10-12 ft.

            Stonewall Jackson- orange

            Tallulah Sunrise- orange/yellow

Rhododendron hybrids- Evergreen azalea 

            Assorted Encore Azaleas- repeat blooming

            Conversation Piece- pink flowers have splotches of dark pink, red and white

            Fashion- orange red

            Flame Creeper- orange red groundcover type

            Formosa- purple

            G.G. Gerbing- pure white

            George L. Taber- two-tone orchid pink 

            Girard Crimson- purplish red

            Hilda Niblett- pink with red blotches, dwarf

            Midnight Flare- the deepest red of any azalea

            Pink Ruffle- coral pink

            Red Ruffle- vivid red

            Wakaebisu- salmon pink with deep pink blotch, dwarf

Roses- see Rose page

Sarcococca confusa- Fragrant Sweetbox

Spirea x bumalda (cross between S. albiflora and S. japonica)

            Anthony Waterer

            Candy Corn



Spirea prunifolia- Bridalwreath Spirea

Syringa patula- Fragrant Lilac

            Miss Kim


Thuja occidentalis- Eastern Arborvitae (a good conifer for the South)


            Emerald Green

            Fire Chief

            Woodward Globe

            Yellow Ribbon


Thuja plicita- Giant Arborvitae

​            Green Giant- Excellent Leyland Cypress replacement


Viburnum macrocephalum- Chinese Snowball Viburnum​

Viburnum opulus- Snowball Bush

​Viburnum x Burkwoodii- Mohawk Viburnum (fragrant)

​Viburnum plicatum- Doublefile Viburnum

​            Shasta

​​            Summer Snowflake

​Vitex agnus-castus- Chastetree

            Shoal Creek

Weigela florida- Old Fashioned Weigela

            Sonic bloom- NEW repeat bloomer

            Wine and Roses

Puppy Policy


We love dogs but ask that you please don't bring yours, with the exception of certified service dogs with medical card. The ADA does not consider emotional support animals as service animals.  Unfortunately, we've had too many instances where our customers have stepped in the "presents" the visiting dogs have left behind that their owner didn't bother to pick up. Then there was the time that someone's German Shepard attacked our sweet Golden Retriever Honeybee and had her by the throat. We used to allow dogs but a few inconsiderate folks have forced us to adopt this policy.  We appreciate your understating and wish we didn't have to enforce this policy. NO exceptions, please!

    Full Bloom Nursery • 6662 Holly Springs Road • Clermont, Georgia 30527 • Phone: 678.616.3035

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