landscape ideas
We have created this section to help you choose the correct plants and to give you tips on creating a lush beautiful landscape like the ones you see in gardening magazines. You don’t have to be a professional landscape designer in order to have a beautiful yard, you just need to arm yourself with the knowledge of how to pull it all together. We’re here to help and we want your yard to be beautiful, too! It’s one of the reasons why we do what we do; to help our customers create their own little slice of paradise. The #1 rule of gardening is to put the right plant in the right spot and we will take the guess work out of the equation for you. Feel free to bring photos and measurements of your yard and we will make suggestions for what works in your situation.
Click photos below for descriptions

Understanding the importance of good landscape design
Differences in color, texture, shape and size create interest in a planting but too much contrast leaves a planting feeling unsettled and tense, while too little produces a boring design. The importance of landscape design principles, including unity, balance, form, line, mass, color, etc. cannot be overlooked if you truly want a yard with curb appeal and a professional look, even if you do it yourself. Don't be afraid of it, it's important to pull it all together and we can help you!
Learn more in the links we have provided below for good helpful advice and ideas.
Understanding landscaping terms such as form, line, balance, texture, etc.

What makes this yard so appealing? The proper design incorporation of form, repetition, color, texture and contrast, among other things. Don't worry, it's not as complicated as it might seem!
Curving, flowing lines of turf amidst colorful blooms and contrasting textures of leaf shape all come together to create eye appeal. Plants flowing over the edge of the sidewalk soften the concrete, the beds on the right balance the foundation plantings on the left and provide symmetry, and everything is in proper scale for the size of the yard. This is an informal, cottage garden style of landscaping that matches the style of the house, a VERY important consideration.

This home has formal landscaping that matches the style and lines of the house, but it is boring due to the lack of color and all of the shrubs having the same leaf texture. There are also no curving, flowing lines to direct the eye and there is a lot of turf with little landscaping, creating the image of a big, blank yard with little interest. You can see what the lack of curb appeal does, compared to the first house!
Remember, the purpose of curb appeal is simple. It's ultimately about moving to the front door in a pleasing way.